Κυριακή 30 Ιανουαρίου 2011

Felix qui potuit rerum cognóscere causas

 "Life sucks" she said in her drunken haze.
"You think?". He was laying on the disarrayed bedspred starring with closed eyes at the yellow ceiling.
 The music from the hall was gradually getting louder, yet still she couldn't tell which song was playing. She had drunk enough for that night although she was feeling only slightly dizzy.
"You know what I've realized? Only thing that's worth it is to love someone and to feel like you are loved. And you are indeed lucky because you have a girl out there that loves you." Those were her words, among other things she mumbled without giving much matter to what they were, she only was aware of the fact that those words where coming out of her mouth.
" Do you think she even realizes that though?". Now his eyes were open and in fact starring at the yellow ceiling in a thoughtfull gaze.
" Does it really matter that much? I mean, is it really that important to be loved back? Is it not enough that you are IN LOVE ? 

I miss being in love. "

"There is someone out there that is ready to love you, you know."
"Is there?". She laughed at the naivety of this somewhat cliché sentence.
As if the music had silenced and as if nothing was stirring they both sat there, in the same room but lost in different thoughts. The unkindness of loneliness that was, combined with the torment of an inglorious love.

erin k. 2011

Δευτέρα 10 Ιανουαρίου 2011


 I am in love. In love with this incredible line of scarves by Cristian Zuzunaga. The dominant motif on Zuzunaga's creations is the pixel combined with numerous vibrat colours. As the Spanish designer quotes "The pixel for me is a medium which allows me to explore our relationship with our environment, either via textiles or objects."

 But scarves are not all he does. He has been working for somewhat a couple of years in the field of design in collaboration with famous companies such as Kvadrat, Ligne Roset, Christophe Delcourt and the Tate Gallery. The prints he uses on the textiles for his impressive furniture and clothing designs are actually overly zoomed photographs untill the pixels are distinct and properly sized. To me it is such an innovative idea and the way he uses pixels as "metaphors which allows to explore, visualise, perceive and feel things" is simply ingenious. Cristian Zuzunaga is without a doubt my favorite person of the day and I am seriously considering of buying one or two scarves! For more information and colour visit www.zuzunaga.com.

Κυριακή 2 Ιανουαρίου 2011


[...υπακοή ή μοναξιά;
Είσαι παγιδευμένος ανάμεσα σ' αυτό που πρέπει να είσαι
Και στο να μην είσαι τίποτα για κανέναν.
Κι από τη στιγμή αυτή...
Θα μπορέσεις να είσαι,
όμως, μονάχα μόνος, και μόνο για εσένα. ]
Χ. Μπουκάι, Να σου πω μια ιστορία

Σάββατο 1 Ιανουαρίου 2011

12:40 πμ 01.01.2011

Πού ήσουν όταν σβήσανε τα φώτα?
Ανάμεσα σε ανθρώπους που δεν σε ξέρουν? Μόνος σε ενα άδειο σπίτι?
Μόλις πήγες για ύπνο, αφού ήπιες μόνος σου ένα ολόκληρο μπουκάλι σαμπάνια τσουγκρίζοντας με τον Άη Βασίλη.
Και εγώ έπινα μόνη επίσης, οχι τελείως μόνη αλλα εξίσου μοναχικά. Και βρήκα το φλουρί, 2 λεπτά, καθώς το ραδιόφωνο κάτι μουρμούριζε για την καταπολέμιση του HIV.
Ποιός ητάν ο πρώτος που σου έδωσε μια ευχή?
Ο πρώτος άνθρωπος που μου είπε χρόνια πολλά είναι το παιδί που κάθεται δίπλα μου στο μάθημα των γερμανικών, πέντε λεπτά πρίν την αλλαγή. Ο δεύτερος, ο φίλος της κολλητής μου. Ο τρίτος, κάποιος που ούτε που του απάντησα. Ο τέταρτος, η κοπέλα που είχα να της μιλήσω απο το καλοκαίρι. Μετά το κινητό αδράνησε. Είπα, τι στο διάλο, θα στείλω εγώ. Τελικά εγώ έστειλα και μετά αυτοί απάντησαν ευγενικά και ωραία. Μα απάντησαν τελευταίοι.

Εύχομαι ...
Δεν ξέρω τι εύχομαι.Τίποτα.Αρχίζω να νιώθω αρκετά ζαλισμένη για να μην με νοιάζει πια.
Καλή Χρονιά και ευτυχισμένος ο καινούργιος χρόνος δεν λένε? Αυτό τότε..